Continental Focus, International Reach

Nigeria’s AKK Pipeline Reaches 15% Completion

Friday, December 18, 2020

Nigeria’s Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) Gas Pipeline project received a visit from the country’s top industry brass to inspect the progress so far along the 614-km-long natural gas infrastructure project. The project has reached 15% completion.

Among those making the visit were Mele Kyari, Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed, Honorable Minister of Finance, Budget & National Planning.

The project, which will transport 3.5 bcm of gas per day from the Niger Delta to southern power plants, is being constructed in three phases. The first phase covers a distance of 200 kms between Ajaokuta and Abuja, while the second and the third phases cover a distance of 193 kms and 221 kms, from Abuja to Kaduna, and from Kaduna to Kano respectively.

The Bank of China and Sinosure, a Chinese export and credit insurance corporation, are providing $2.6 billion in loans for the project which will fund about 85 percent of the entire project costs. NNPC will provide the remaining 15 percent through equity.

The AKK Pipeline will offer many benefits including protecting the environment and creating massive employment opportunities to generate power for the nation’s industries.